For this assignment I worked within a group to redesign the website for the boutique Mexico resort, La Casa Que Canta (“The House That Sings”), including a new identity system.
The team and I researched the industry, created user personas and re-imagined the content and information architecture of the site for a better user experience. We approached this project with the goal of creating a streamlined, upscale identity system with nods to the more organic, hand-crafted qualities of the resort. The final website design is luxurious and minimalist with charming illustrations to add interest.
Y E A R:
Interaction Design, Fall 2022
C R E D I T S:
Brand Identity: John Paul Nguyen, Hannah Burke
Navigation, About and Booking Pages: Lynden Clark
Map, Prototype, Amenities and Contact Pages: John Paul Nguyen
Icons, Illustration, and Wedding Page: Hannah Burke
Illustration, Prototype, Home and Rooms Pages: Emily La

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